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EV battery safety norms deadline extended to December”2022

Tech |Electrical & Electronic Systems

The ministry is mandating the amended AIS 156 and AIS 038 Rev.2 standards for different electric vehicle (EV) categories from next month and the notification for the same is already in progress.

Date: September 28, 2022

EV battery safety norms deadline extended to December”2022

New Delhi Ministry Of Road Transport and Highway (MORTH) of New Delhi has extended deadline of the new EV battery safety norms to December 2022 as phase I and phase II will be effect from March 2023. These regulations relate to battery cells, battery management systems, onboard chargers, designs of the battery pack and thermal propagation.

The ministry is mandating the amended AIS 156 and AIS 038 Rev.2 standards for different electric vehicle (EV) categories from next month and the notification for the same is already in progress.

Amendment 2 to AIS 156 is for specific requirements for L category motor vehicles, the ones with less than four wheels and quadricycles, with electric power trains.

Amendment 2 to AIS 038 Rev. 2 is for specific requirements for electric power trains of M and N category motor vehicles, the ones with at least four wheels used for carrying passengers and the ones with at least four wheels used for carrying goods but may carry both persons and goods.

MORTHEVNormsBattery Technology
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