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Pricol partnership with Heilongjiang Tianyouwei Electronics

Business |Agreements & Stratergies

Partnership for Advanced technologies in Driver Information System Solutions for Indian vehicle makers across various vehicle segments.

Date: October 12, 2023

Pricol partnership with Heilongjiang Tianyouwei Electronics

From Left Mrs. Dong Fang, President of TYW, Mr. Wang Wenbo, Chairman of TYW, Mr. Vikram Mohan, Managing Director of Pricol Limited and Mrs. Lakshmi N Mohan, Managing Director of Pricol Holdings Limited.

Coimbatore- Pricol Limited., an automotive manufacturer, announced a technology and supply partnership with Heilongjiang Tianyouwei Electronics Co Ltd., (TYW), a company duly incorporated under the laws of People's Republic of China for advanced technologies in Driver Information System Solutions for Indian vehicle makers across various vehicle segments

With regard to cutting-edge technologies in Driver Information System Solutions, including e-cockpit, Heads up Display (HUD), etc., Pricol and TYW have engaged into a Co-operation Agreement for Technology and Supply of Parts and Systems. On the projects identified for such cutting-edge Driver Information System technologies for various vehicle segments in the Indian market, TYW would support Pricol solely. As part of the supply agreement, Pricol will also purchase components and/or sub-assemblies from TYW in addition to the technology.

Mr. Vikram Mohan, Managing Director, Pricol Limited, said that, This collaboration with TYW is evidence of our dedication to promoting innovation in the Indian automotive industry. Since Pricol holds a dominating position in the Indian market for driver information systems, we are convinced that our efforts will contribute to the provision of cutting-edge solutions in this area. The subject expertise of Pricol and the technological prowess of TYW represent an important step in realising the goal of improving the driving experience for Indian customers.

About Heilongjiang Tianyouwei Electronics

Heilongjiang Tianyouwei Electronics, headquartered at Suihua City, China. The Company is in the business of manufacturing Driver Information System, Control Panels, ecockpit solutions and displays for automotive and industrial applications. Heilongjiang Tianyouwei Electronics is China's Driver Information System manufacturers supplying to various OEMs globally.

PricolHeilongjiang Tianyouwei Electronics
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