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Supreme Court allows registration of BS IV vehicles sold before lockdown

Vehicles |Industry

Date: August 14, 2020

Supreme Court allows registration of BS IV vehicles sold before lockdown

New Delhi – On Aug 13, 2020 Supreme court (SC) has confirmed that all BSIV emission compliant vehicle can be registered on the government’s e-Vahan portal which was sold before lockdown. This order has made relief to the dealer, OEM’s and end-user’s as the vehicles are standing towards registration for more than 6 months.

Also, clearly posted that the BSIV vehicles were sold during the covid-19 lockdown after 25 March shall not be allowed to register. Additionally, the details of the vehicles which were not uploaded on the e-Vahan portal would not be allowed to be registered.

SC hold the ban of registering the vehicles sold after 25th March 2020 as it is substantial during the severe lockdown which is more debatable and rule can be overruled. According to the data submitted by the government through Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways (MoRTH), BS-IV-compliant vehicles were sold between 12 March and 31 March is around 1.1Mn, specifically more than 250,000 such vehicles were sold during 29 March to 31 March were the severe lockdown imposed.

1e-Vahan portal – It’s a website/ application developed by the government for vehicle registration process.

Supreme courtCourt orderBS IVRegistration
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