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Ashok Leyland released its Q1 and June 2023 sales figures

Vehicles |Industry

Ashok Leyland registers positive growth of 7% compared with last year (June ’22). Cumulative sales Q1 registers 5% growth

Date: July 4, 2023

Ashok Leyland released its Q1 and June 2023 sales figures

Chennai- Ashok Leyland Ltd., a manufacturer of commercial vehicles has released its sales figures for June ’23 and Q1 of FY 2023-24, total domestic and export sales during June ‘23 registers 5% growth compared with last year (June ‘22), Q1 cummilative sales registers 4% growth

In the Domestic sales,  M&HCV segment registers 10% growth in June ’23 and LCV achieved feeble positive growth. Q1 cumulative sales for the former registers at 7% and the latter at 3% respectively.

In the Domestic + Exports sales, M&HCV segment registers 6% growth in June ’23 and LCV achieved 2% growth. Q1 cumulative sales for the former registers at 5% and the latter at 3% respectively.

Click Tata Motors for its Financial sales update 

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