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Govt makes display of Fitness Certificate, Registration Mark mandatory on vehicles

Vehicles |Industry

Type Arial Bold Script is suggested for the display certificate.

Date: March 3, 2022

Govt makes display of Fitness Certificate, Registration Mark mandatory on vehicles

New Delhi - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), based in New Delhi, has released a draft notification rule for the vehicle to display the validity of their fitness certificates and registration marks in a specified manner.

            In case of heavy goods / passenger vehicles, medium goods/ passenger vehicles, and light motor vehicles, it shall be exhibited on the upper edge of the left side of the wind screen in yellow colour on blue background in Type Arial Bold Script.

            In case of auto-rickshaw, e-rickshaw, e-cart, and quadricycle, it shall be exhibited on the upper edge of the left side of the wind screen, if fitted, in yellow colour on blue background in Type Arial Bold Script. If wind screen is not fitted in such vehicles, it shall be exhibited on the conspicuous part of the vehicle

MORTHFitness certificateRegulations
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