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MORTH mandates GPS tracking device on all transport vehicles carrying hazardous goods

Vehicles |Industry

Automotive Industry Standard 140 (AIS 140) is a set of standards published by the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) for vehicle tracking system, camera surveillance system, and emergency request button.

Date: June 8, 2022

MORTH mandates GPS tracking device on all transport vehicles carrying hazardous goods

New Delhi - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), based in New Delhi, has mandated every goods carriage carrying any dangerous or hazardous goods shall be equipped with or fitted with a vehicle tracking system device as per AIS 140.

1Automotive Industry Standard 140 (AIS 140) is a set of standards published by the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) for vehicle tracking system, camera surveillance system, and emergency request button. (The government mandated the AIS 140 approve GPS device with panic buttons on all public and private school buses in April 2019. Later AIS 140-approved GPS tracking was mandated in all government-trucks).

MORTHHarardous goodsVehcile tracking systems
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