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POTTINGER launches the AMICO Hopper, optimizing efficiency in time-sensitive tasks while preserving soil health.

Date: November 26, 2024


Austria, Europe - POTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH., an agricultural machinery manufacturer, introduces the AMICO Hopper, designed to meet the challenges of time-sensitive agricultural tasks. The AMICO F hopper and the flexible TEGOSEM hopper help maximize machine efficiency during narrow windows of operation while preserving soil health.

The AMICO F hopper, when combined with various arable machines, allows for simultaneous application of fertilizer, microgranules, cover crops, or two components. Available with one or two metering units, it offers capacities of 1,700 and 2,400 liters with a 60:40 division for versatile applications.

The AMICO F is equipped with a pressurized hopper system to ensure long conveying distances and maximum reliability. This system allows for consistent material flow, enabling the distribution of various material sizes across a wide range of applications.

The AMICO F's electric metering units, controlled via an intelligent system and application maps, allow for precise, site-specific fertilization, optimizing efficiency and reducing resource use. This enables accurate application of fertilizers, microgranules, and cover crops, and supports practices like banding fertilizer, simultaneous grass seeding, and planting companion crops for better yields and reduced biotic stress.

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